Buttock implants
The strengths of buttock implants
Buttock implant surgery used to have a bad reputation and is now reliable thanks to modern surgical and anesthesia techniques. The use of an endoscope allows precise control of the implant position and avoids any deformation. Specialized anaesthesia management helps to avoid postoperative pain in gluteal surgery.
The principles of gluteal surgery
The purpose of gluteal implants is toincrease the volume of the upper portion of the buttock by means of silicone gel-filled prostheses placed in the gluteus maximus muscle. This is a complex procedure with excellent aesthetic results.
Gluteal surgery is performed under general or loco-regional anesthesia and lasts about 1h30. Even in the case of general anesthesia, a complementary peridural anesthesia can be offered to avoid any pain.
Two 6 cm scars are made on either side of the gluteal fold. This is a recent modification of the Brazilian technique which has 2 major advantages:
- This limits the traction on a single scar and avoids scar openings
- This avoids any postoperative detachment of the gluteal fold, which is very unsightly and difficult to correct.
A space is then created in the muscle fibers of the gluteus maximus to insert a prosthesis filled with a specific cohesive silicone gel. It is essential to remain strictly within the gluteus maximus muscle otherwise the implant may be deformed when walking, especially in the lateral portion of the buttock. This defect is frequently found during surgery performed "blindly".
We use a systemic camera or specific endoscope to perform this part of the operation. This way, we constantly check the coagulation of the blood vessels in order to avoid bleeding but also the strict intra-muscular character of the lodge.
We then place POLYTECH high-cohesiveness buttock implants whose size usually varies between 300 and 500 cc. Larger implants (up to 800 cc) can be made to measure after a special order.
In Practice
A pre-anesthesia consultation is necessary at least 48 hours before the surgical procedure for buttock implants.
This is done during a hospitalization of 1 to 2 nights.
Indeed, pain management is the key point of this gluteal surgery and requires infusions of strong analgesics, or even epidural analgesia by catheter.
Sitting is forbidden for the first 3 days and it is recommended to alternate lying on the stomach, on the sides or standing.
After leaving the clinic, the visit of a specialized nurse at home is mandatory until the stitches are removed 15 days after the operation.
A 7 to 15 day leave from work is necessary depending on your activity.
You can resume sports one month after the operation.
Questions / Answers
What are the possible complications of buttock implants?
This is an operation with heavy after-effects requiring specialized post-operative care.
The main complication is postoperative pain, especially pain radiating along the sciatic nerve to the foot. This is prevented by specialized pain management by the anesthesiologist during your hospitalization.
The other complication of gluteal implants is the disunion of the gluteal scar. It is prevented by not sitting for 7 days and by having a specialized nurse take care of it at home.
What is the average lifespan of buttock implants?
The life span of a buttock implant is 15 years on average. There has been no description of a shell phenomenon with buttock prostheses.
What are the alternatives to buttock implants?
Lipomodelling is the main alternative to buttock implants. However, the volume of fat necessary to obtain a result requires significant liposuction, which is not possible for lean patients.
Macrolane® injections are prohibitively expensive (at least 3,000 € for the product) and their duration of action is limited to one year.
How much does it cost?
Buttock implant surgery is expensive because of the length of hospitalization and the need for specialized post-operative care.
It is also necessary to integrate the need for a minimum of 15 days off work.
The price of the operation varies between 6,500 and 8,000€ to which must be added 400€ for home nursing care.
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The firm
Docteur Yaël Berdah and Docteur Marc-David Benjoar
Plastic surgeons in Paris France