Publications of Doctor Marc-David Benjoar
1. Medical student exchange between l'Hopital Saint-Louis in Paris and St. George's Hospital in London. A student's point of view about two ways to learn his work.
Benjoar M.D., Farge D.
Eur J Intern Med. 2001 Dec;12(6):532-534
2. Repair of the lower and middle parts of the face by composite tissue allotransplantation in a patient with massive plexiform neurofibroma: a 1-year follow-up study.
Lantieri L, Meningaud JP, Grimbert P, Bellivier F, Lefaucheur JP, Ortonne N, Benjoar MD, Lang P, Wolkenstein P.
Lancet. 2008 Aug 23;372(9639):639-45.
3. Polymicrobial abscess complicating subcutaneous injections of hyposmotic solutions using the Lipotomie® technique in a minor patient.
Benjoar MD, Lepage C, Hivelin M, Lantieri L.
Ann Chir Plast Esthet. 2009 Apr;54(2):161-4
4. Meningaud JP, Benjoar MD, Hivelin M, Hermeziu O, Toure G, Lantieri L.
The procurement of total human face graft for allotransplantation: A preclinical study and the first clinical case.
Plast Reconstr Surg. 2010 Jun 15.
5. Bosc R, Hivelin M, Benjoar MD, Pigneur F, Lantieri L.
Preoperative angiographic CT-scan imaging for perforator flap transfer. Clinical applications in an emergency unit of reconstructive surgery: Case report.
Ann Chir Plast Esthet. 2010 Aug;55(4):307-12. Epub 2010 Jun 17
6. Matar N, Quilichini J, Bosc R, Benjoar MD, Lantieri L.
Breast reconstruction with superior gluteal artery perforator flap (SGAP) without facility change. A propos de 8 cas
Ann Chir Plast Esthet. 2010 Dec;55(6):539-46.
7. Lantieri L, Hivelin M, Audard V, Benjoar MD, Meningaud JP, Bellivier F, Ortonne N, Lefaucheur JP, Gilton A, Suberbielle C, Marty J, Lang P, Grimbert P.
Feasibility, reproducibility, risks and benefits of face transplantation: a prospective study of outcomes.
Am J Transplant. 2011 Feb;11(2):367-78.
8. Bosc R, Lepage C, Hamou C, Matar N, Benjoar MD, Hivelin M, Lantieri L.
Management of Chest Wall Reconstruction After Resection for Cancer: A Retrospective Study of 22 Consecutive Patients.
Ann Plast Surg. 2011 Mar 14.
9. Meningaud JP, Hivelin M, Benjoar MD, Toure G, Hermeziu O, Lantieri L.
The procurement of allotransplants for ballistic trauma: a preclinical study and a report of two clinical cases. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2011 May;127(5)
10. Hotz C, Valeyrie-Allanore L, Benjoar MD, Ortonne N, Vitte E, Bouvresse S, Brun-Buisson C, Wolkenstein P, Chosidow O.
Clinical images: Necrosis at the tip of the nose in an 83-year-old man.
Arthritis Rheum. 2011 Jun;63(6):1762
11. Marchac A, Bosc R, Benjoar MD, Hivelin M, Lepage C, Lantieri L.
Medico-economic cost analysis of the DIEP free flap in breast reconstruction.
Ann Chir Plast Esthet. 2011 Aug;56(4):275-9
12. Quilichini J, Hivelin M, Matar N, Benjoar MD, Lantieri L. Septocutaneous
gluteal artery perforator flap in lateral decubitus position for breast
reconstruction. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2012 Feb;129(2):385e-386e
13. Quilichini J, Benjoar MD, Hivelin M, Brugel L, Lantieri L. Semi-free radial
forearm flap for head and neck reconstruction in vessel-depleted neck after
radiotherapy or radical neck dissection. Microsurgery. 2012 May;32(4):269-74
14. Quilichini J, Benjoar MD, Hivelin M, Lantieri L. Split-thickness skin graft
harvested from the scalp for the coverage of extensive temple or forehead defects
in elderly patients. Arch Facial Plast Surg. 2012 Mar-Apr;14(2):137-9
15. Rüegg EM, Hivelin M, Hemery F, Maciver C, Benjoar MD, Meningaud JP, Lantieri
L. Face transplantation program in France: a cost analysis of five patients.
Transplantation. 2012 Jun 15;93(11):1166-72
16. Quilichini J, Hivelin M, Benjoar MD, Bosc R, Meningaud JP, Lantieri L.
Restoration of the donor after face graft procurement for allotransplantation:
report on the technique and outcomes of seven cases. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2012
17. Carty MJ, Hivelin M, Dumontier C, Talbot SG, Benjoar MD, Pribaz JJ, Lantieri
L, Pomahac B. Lessons Learned from Simultaneous Face and Bilateral Hand
Allotransplantation. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2013 Apr 11.