
Nano Fat Graft or Nano Fat Graft is a revolutionary procedure that has become increasingly popular in recent years. It is used to reduce wrinkles, restore volume and contour the face and hands. The procedure involves extracting fat from a discrete area of the body, such as the knees, abdomen or hips, and then reinjecting it into the body. Nanofat grafting can be used to treat facial scleroderma, as well as to achieve volumizing effects in the cheeks, nasolabial folds and chin.

The nanofat grafting process is also known as microfat grafting or fat transfer. During this procedure, a very fine injection cannula is used to inject small amounts of fat into areas that need more volume or definition. The stem cells and growth factors present in the injected fat help stimulate skin growth and rejuvenation. This makes nanofat grafting one of the most powerful skin treatments available today.

Dr. Sasaki presented " The Safety and Efficacy of Cell-Assisted Fat Grafting in the Hands: Dermal and 3D Imaging Volumetric Rejuvenation " at a conference in Pasadena, California in March 2022. He explained how nanofat grafting can be used to improve the appearance of the hands by restoring volume lost due to aging or injury.

Fat transfer procedures are becoming increasingly popular in Paris (France) due to their non-invasive nature and ability to provide natural-looking results with minimal downtime for recovery. Dr. Yaël Berdah specializes in facial lipostructure, which involves extracting small amounts of fat from a discreet area under local anaesthetic, then reinjecting them into the body to achieve volumizing effects on the face or hands.

As well as being used for aesthetic purposes, nanofat grafting can also be used for body contouring, particularly to reshape areas that have lost volume due to weight loss or aging. By combining the benefits of liposuction with those of dermal fillers, fat nanografts can help create a smoother overall silhouette, with better definition of problem areas such as love handles or saddlebags.

Nanofat grafting is fast becoming one of the most sought-after procedures for restoring lost volume to the hands and face, while offering natural results with minimal recovery time. If you're considering this procedure in Paris, be sure to consult an experienced plastic surgeon who specializes in this type of treatment before making any decisions about your care plan.
